World’s Oldest Man Reaches 112
The world has a new oldest man on record. Masazo Nonaka was just certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest man alive at 112 years and 259 days. He was born in Japan in 1905 and he’s one of the few people alive who were born during the Japanese Russian war, lived through two world wars and the cold war.
Nonaka still reads the newspaper after breakfast every day, but says he’s not shocked by the news. The super centenarian has a sweet tooth and likes to watch sumo wrestling and samurai dramas on TV, but he did enjoy a party for his new honor as the world’s oldest man, posing with young folks who asked for selfies with him.
But if Mr. Nonaka wants to become the oldest man ever, he’s got a long way to go. That record is held by Jiroemon Kimura who lived from 1897 to 2013 and died when he was 116 years and 54 days old.
Source: Metro
Town Votes to Ban Balloons, Fine Violators Up To $200
Balloons won't fly anymore in New Shoreham, Rhode Island.
The town council there voted unanimously this week to say goodbye to balloons for good. The new law prohibits the sale and use of balloons throughout the town, which comprises the area of Block Island off Rhode Island's coast.
"We are very concerned about the environment," said Kenneth Lacoste, first warden of the town council. "There's a lot of information out there of damages that balloons do to the wildlife."
Wildlife isn't the only concern. Environmental organizations often point out that balloons can land in the ocean, eventually washing up on the shore and polluting the environment.
Balloons Blow, a nonprofit organization dedicated to warning the public of the dangers of balloons, offers environmentally friendly alternatives to balloons on their website.
Although there are no specific party stores on the island that depend heavily on the sales of balloons, Lacoste said there are a few places that use them for parties or events.
New Shoreham now joins a few other towns, such as Provincetown and Nantucket in Massachusetts, that have banned balloons. Other states have legislation to regulate balloon releases.
Want to De-Stress? Delete Facebook, Study Suggests
f Cambridge Analytica didn't put you off Facebook forever, this might: a new study says that quitting the social media network can drastically lower your stress levels.
The Cambridge Analytica scandal — also known as the largest data leak in Facebook history — caused the social network to lose around a million daily users from the United States and Canada.
If you're not one of these users, and the thought of your personal data being used to manipulate voters is not enough to make you abandon the platform, perhaps this new study will change your mind.
Researchers at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia — led by Prof. Eric Vanman, who is a senior lecturer at the university's School of Psychology — wanted to investigate the impact of quitting Facebook on the users' stress levels and overall well-being.
The results, which have just been published in the Journal of Social Psychology, may convince you to #DeleteFacebook — if not in protest, then out of concern for your health.
Prof. Vanman sums up his findings, reporting, "Taking a Facebook break for just 5 days reduced a person's level of the stress hormone cortisol." Cortisol is known to soar when a person is stressed. In fact, the hormone is considered to be the key player in stress, regulating how our body responds to it.
All The Dating Terms You Need To Know Today
If you’re in the dating world today, there’s a whole new vocabulary of terms to describe what could be happening with your partner and you might not have a clue what some of them mean. So here’s a guide to all the dating slang you need to know in 2018.
- Caspering - It’s a form of ghosting, but it’s the friendlier kind. It’s when the person hasn’t asked you out again, but usually replies nicely to your texts.
- Catch and Release - When someone has been pursuing you and when they finally “catch” you and you agree to a date, they lose interest and move on to a new target.
- Cushioning - This is when you keep flirting with a few “cushions” - a.k.a. your other prospects on standby in case your current relationship doesn’t work out and you need someone to cushion the fall.
- Daterview - A date that doesn’t give you butterflies so much as makes you feel like you should’ve brought your résumé because of all the questions about school, work, and your family.
- Dicksand - This is that powerful force that can cause a woman to lose all sight of her own identity and get so involved with her current love interest that she practically disappears from her friends.
- Lovebombing - When someone gives over-the-top affection and presents at the start of a new relationship, but in a shady way - to establish long-term control over you.
- Matrimania - Excessive enthusiasm for weddings and marriage that can annoy your single friends if you’re the bride and scare off dates if you’re trying to find The One.
- Monkeying - Swinging from one relationship to the next without slowing down in between, like a monkey swinging from tree branch to tree branch.
- Nonversation - Boring small talk with a dating app match that doesn’t really go anywhere or excite either person.
- Peacocking - Can refer to a guy doing something nice to impress you or dressing up to get attention, like a peacock showing off his feathers.
- Subbing - Short for subtweeting, it’s indirectly referencing a love interest in a tweet, FB post, or Instagram caption without ever mentioning their name.
- Zombieing - When someone tries to get back into their ex’s life after ghosting them previously and it usually starts with a random “Heyy” text.
Source: Cosmopolitan
Parents Are Livestreaming Kids’ Punishment
The go-to punishments parents have been doling out for years, like writing an apology letter or sending you to your room, are being taken over by a new trend in discipline. Some moms and dads are penalizing their children by driving over their Xboxes or shaving their heads - and they’re uploading videos or livestreaming the acts online, too.
You can find more than 30,000 clips on the Internet of kids being punished in this way. From two boys whose dad gave them “old-man haircuts” with the camera rolling for their bad grades at school to the dad who shoots his daughter’s laptop to punish her for a Facebook post in a video with more than 45-million views.
That dad calls it “tough love” and that’s how a lot of these parents justify shaming their kids while punishing them and then posting them online for the world to see. But parenting experts are concerned about the trend.
“The thing that’s so weird about this is that they’re videoing themselves, says parenting coach Sue Atkins. “Why aren’t they just engaging and teaching their children how to behave properly, and using positive methods? Why shame them? They’ll never get that respect back.”
So while some parents think they’ve come up with a creative way to deal with their child using swear words or not finishing their chores, humiliating their kid and broadcasting it on the Internet makes it that much worse. Experts warn that these tactics might seem to work in the short term, but may do more harm in the long run.
“Shaming and humiliating children in private or public is emotionally abusive,” explains therapist Dr. Karyl McBride. “It causes young people to grow into adults who suffer from crippling doubt. It causes fear and anxiety that does not go away. Children respect those who respect them and their tender feelings.”
Source: New York Post
There Is Now An App For On The Go Couples Therapy
Who has the time to go to a therapy office, especially when you're always on the go?
The dating app is called 'We did it' and it claims that it can “repair relationship ties in an entirely new way,”
Managing Director for the app Peeter Lange said that he wanted to create an app that would act as a counterweight to the dating and cheating apps. Which is actually really smart, because I feel like everywhere you turn around there is another app that pushes hooking up in your face or dating.
He currently conducted a study on people who use the app and the couples claim that they have better sex lives and notice a positive change in their spouses behavior after using the app for 3 weeks. The app will also send you both “daily task reminders” that you check off every time you complete one.