Twitter Urges Users To Change Passwords Following Glitch
If you’re on Twitter – change your password now. That’s the word from the platform after a glitch caused some to be stored in readable text on its internal computer system.
The social network says the problem has been resolved and there's no indication that the passwords were stolen or misused, but as a precaution they still recommend that users change their passwords.
It's unclear how many passwords were affected, but a person familiar with the company says the number was "substantial" and they were exposed for "several months." Twitter has more than 330-million users.
The ironic aspect of this report? That yesterday was World Password Day.
Source: Wired
The One Word That Keeps You From Being Truly in the Moment
It's time we kicked “should” to the curb. Should is a word that implies obligation and expectation and often comes as a box set that’s gift-wrapped in guilt and even shame. It’s also a word that implies an open-endedness and the absence of a decision. It describes possibility rather than reality. “I should go to the gym” is not the same as “I’m going to the gym.” “I’m going to the gym” is definitive. You’ve got a plan and you’re executing that plan. There’s no feeling involved, it’s simply a commitment.
“Shoulding” ourselves is a major energy drain, as it compels us to split focus. We’re forcing our minds to be in two places at once. We’re never truly in the moment if we allow thoughts of should to be telling us a story of another choice that might have been made.
“Should” creates a divide between what you’re expected to do and what you want to do. If you are saying the word should, but really mean something different, you are penalizing yourself—which over time will deplete you.
- Do you think pinpointing the “shoulds” will help you be happier/more present?
- What “should” you do that makes you feel guilty?
The Shocking Thing Many Women Do Before A Job Interview
There are a lot of things people do before heading into a job picking out the perfect outfit, doing some background on the company their interviewing for, and even giving themselves a little pep talk. But it turns out there’s also one thing that lots of women do, and it may shock you.
A new survey finds that 29% of married women actually take off their wedding band before heading to a job interview, out of fear their marital status will result in some sort of discrimination.
The survey also reveals other ways men discriminate against women in the workforce, with 59% of employers thinking women should disclose whether they’re pregnant during an interview, and 46% of employers believing it’s okay to ask women if they have young children while interviewing them.
Source: The Sun
Yes, Seniors Are Having Plenty Of Sex
While you may not want to think about your mom and dad still having, just know that they are, and your grandparents probably are too.
A new survey finds that 40% of Americans ages 65 to 80 are having sex, and that number goes up to 54% among seniors with spouses or partners. What’s more, 73% of them say they are satisfied with their sex life. Broken down in age groups, 46% of those between 65 and 70 are sexually active, while 39% of those 71 to 75 and 25% of those 76 to 80 say the same.
The survey also finds that while older men say they are more sexually active and interested (50%) than older women (31%), women are actually more sexually satisfied (43% of women vs. 31% of men). Health also plays a role in whether folks were having sex, with 45% of those sexually active saying they are in good or excellent health, while only 22% of those in poor health say the same.
- And yes, some seniors are getting a little help to, well, get it on. Overall, 18% of senior men say they use medications or supplements to improve their sexual function, while only 3% of women do.
Source: USA Today
Millennials Are Looking To Date Much Older
There’s one thing that’s kind of stuck out to us recently in the world of the millennials. Badoo did some research and found that millennials are trying to find partners who are significantly older than them.
In fact, 26% of 18-24 year olds would date someone over the age of 35. That’s a pretty big gap if you think about it. It’s really not surprising that this is happening if we take a look at the celebs. So many famous people are going along with the age gap trend that it seems more normal for us to do it, too.
No only that, but social media allows us to look out for people of any type or age group without shame and without much difficulty. We can find whatever we want in a partner when we want it. There’s nothing wrong with that right?
Source: Business Insider