E. Coli Outbreak Linked To AZ Lettuce Now In 29 States
A deadly E. coli outbreak tied to romaine lettuce grown in Arizona is casting a wider net.
The CDC has revealed the outbreak has spread to 29 states, most recently to Florida, Minnesota, North Dakota and Texas. One person has died and 149 others have gotten sick, including 64 people who've been hospitalized.
The CDC has not released any new information about the Yuma, Arizona-area farms that may be connected to the contaminated lettuce or how it entered the food system. This outbreak is the biggest multi-state one to hit the U.S. since 2006. The CDC also says it believed more people may become ill.
Source: USA Today
Your Yoga Pants Can Burn You During MRIs
Ladies-and some gents- we love our leggings, but you may want to ditch them next time you get an MRI. Patients are being told to leave their Lululemons at home and switch in to cotton T-shirts or hospital gowns before they head in for an MRI since a new study shows the fibers inside the leggings can actually burn you.
Hospitals across the country including Stony Brook University in New York, the University of California, and Mount Sinai hospitals are posting signs in their offices warning against wearing the leggings. Tiny meal threads are found woven within the most popular leggings-think Lululemon or Athleta- and while they may be good at wicking sweat, they’re not so good at preventing burns during an MRI scan.
One 11-year-old girl learned the hard way. She was sedated for her MRI scan for scoliosis and when she woke up, she was left with second degree burns. What she didn't know, considering there were no labels, was that her undershirt contained the metallic fibers.
So what exactly happens? An MRI scanner uses electromagnetism and radiowaves, so they basically become a powerful magnet. Any type of metal, including the tiny metal threads in sports leggings, could possibly move during the scan causing a burn. Researchers specifically warn against Lululemon leggings made with “Silverescent” technology that prevents odors, Gap’s Athleta brand leggings and Columbia Sportswear Omni-Heat line. If you’re unsure, since most metallic fibers are unnoticeable, look for labels on your clothes that say “anti-microbial” or “anti-bacterial” as those usually contain the “silver technology.” Your best bet is to just wear cotton or a hospital gown.
Source: Market Watch
Survey Says Most Moms Fake Their Reactions When Receiving Their Mother’s Day Gifts
Forty percent of moms fake their reactions to Mother’s Day gifts they don’t like, according to a new survey.
If your mom says “thank you,” “awww!,” “I love it,” “wow, this is great” or “I really needed one of these,” then she might be among the 40 percent of moms who — according to a new Groupon survey of 2,000 adults — fake their reactions to Mother’s Day gifts.
The study, conducted by market researchers OnePoll and commissioned by Groupon, looked at gift-giving habits for Mother’s Day and found that moms are looking for more sentimental presents and time with their family this year.
According to the results, moms want the following for Mother’s Day: something with a sentimental meaning, to be taken out for brunch, a homemade item, a family trip or a simple card.
And it’s not only moms who may be scrutinizing your gift choice – your siblings could be trying to one-up you. It turns out that 66 percent of Americans check in with their siblings to see what they are getting for mom.
However, be careful what you share because 55 percent of those with a brother or sister will deliberately try to give their mom a better gift.
Even when it comes to writing mom’s card – 30 percent of people will consider what their siblings write in their card to ensure they aren’t upstaged in the sentimentality department.
And they are keeping it short and sweet when it comes to what they write in their card for mom.
The average American will write 43 words (approximately 2 sentences) in a Mother’s Day card.
The study also found that where you fall in terms of sibling order plays a role in how you approach Mother’s Day.
While the average person spends $75, the data showed that it’s the middle child who ends up spending the most on mom.
No matter your approach to Mother’s Day, one thing was universal from the results – people are really grateful for all that their moms have done for them.
Link: https://nypost.com/2018/05/09/your-mom-lied-to-you-when-she-said-she-loved-that-macaroni-art/
Man Donates Kidney To Coworker
A couple of Massachusetts coworkers are “bonded for life” after one donated a kidney to the other recently. Matt Knowles was in desperate need of a new kidney after the one he got from a 2006 transplant failed 10 years later and he was spending four hours three nights a week on dialysis while working full time.
The search for a donor match was on when Ken Pefine, a guy who’s worked with Knowles for 14 years at Eversource, offered to be tested. The men were a match and had the transplant and the surgery was a success. Knowles acknowledges his colleague’s generosity is “just incredible,” but Pefine is modest about it.
“It was a no brainer for me,” Pefine says. “Matt is a good person and empowering him was important to me. He’s already been through a lot and I just really wanted to help.”
Source: WCVB
Do You And Your Significant Other Like “Choreplay”?
Here’s a dirty reason for couples to clean up together — partners who share more housework have more sex, according to a new survey. CreditLoan.com quizzed 993 cohabitating couples on how splitting the chore correlates with relationship satisfaction. And couples were happiest when they divided tasks the most evenly, particularly taking care of the kids — a pressing concern for many parents thanks to the soaring costs of childcare in recent years. And relationships where both partners dusted and cleaned the bathroom had sex nearly two more times each month than when women shouldered the responsibility alone.
- Does doing chores together turn you on? Call it Choreplay?
Link: https://nypost.com/2018/05/09/have-more-sex-by-doing-these-two-household-chores/
Venting At Work Is Actually Good For You
From the office fridge raider to unrecognized overtime, there are plenty of things to complain about in the workplace. But most of us think there’s no point in griping about office issues to coworkers or that it’s not appropriate to vent at work, but it turns out we’re wrong. According to University of Melbourne researcher Dr. Vanessa Pouthier, whining at work is actually good for us.
She studied a team of nurses and health professionals over a year and found that joking and complaining can help build bonds among staff and improve moods as well, when used in a certain way. Pouthier found that when the doctors and nurses she was observing griped as a group, they felt better about the situations and got rid of some of their negative feelings.
“It helps people reduce stress and frustration and you notice palpable changes when team members engage in these activities,” Pouthier explains. “By engaging in those little rituals in their care planning meetings they processed some of that negative energy and left feeling more energized.”
But she warns these venting sessions can turn toxic if you’re not careful. So she advises not griping about anyone in the room and keeping the target of the complaints something that everyone can agree on, like the difficulties the team is facing, and not an individual on the team. Aside from that, keep complaining to keep building those bonds with coworkers.
Source: Women's Health
Making Mother's Day Special if You Can't Be With Mom
As we’ve gotten older, our Mother’s Day gifts have gotten a touch more sophisticated than the handprints on construction paper that we used to give her (although that’s still a convenient and affordable gift now that we think about it…). Well anyway, here’s how to make mom feel special from miles away:
- Order her stuff online and have it delivered to her house.
- Have someone you love make sure she has a special day.
- Share a meal over FaceTime.
- Watch the same movie at night and then discuss it on the phone later.
- Venmo her some “spa day” money.
- Send her a digital slideshow or homemade video.
And at the end of the day, remember it’s the thought that counts. We want to make our mamas feel special, but we also want to keep in mind that they’ll probably love us no matter what we do.
Source: Elite Daily