Very few people out there love first dates, but they’re one of those necessary evils in life that we all deal with. And unless you’re the luckiest person alive, you’ve probably had a bad date or three in your past. Thankfully, science is on your side and according to the research, this is what works and what doesn’t on a first date.
- The set up - We all know that people exaggerate or omit things on their dating profiles to make them more appealing to potential matches, but research shows a shocking 81% of singles lie about their age, height, or other personal details, which can lead to lots of awkward first dates.
- The outfit - The most important thing when getting dressed for a date is to wear something you feel comfortable and confident in. Studies have shown red is associated with passion, and others have shown that wearing black makes us feel confident on a date, so wear what works for you.
- The conversation - In the past daters were advised to avoid sensitive subjects like politics and religion on dates, but that seems to be less of an issue today. According to’s Singles in America 2018 survey of 5,500 men and women, 80% of daters say talking about politics, money, and religion is totally cool on a first date. But the one topic to stay away from? Exes!
- The manners - You might not want to hear it, but your phone needs to go. That survey found 75% of daters find answering your phone a turnoff.
- The length - Sometimes a date is going so well you don’t want to end, but a bad date can feel like time has actually stopped, so how long should an ideal date last? According to that survey, the sweet spot is around two and a half hours.
Source: Cosmopolitan UK