Space Kingdom Needs Residents For Moon Colony
Asgardia wants you! In case you haven’t heard of the kingdom, that’s because it is member only. There are 200-thousand members of the space kingdom so far and its leader Igor Ashurbeyli, a Russian engineer, was inaugurated Monday. That was the last piece of the government put in place. It already has a parliament and a constitution.
The goal of Asgardia is to have 150-million citizens in 10 years. The kingdom, around that time, wants to have space arks in place that will permanently house the people on the moon or near it. They are even planning their internet network.
During his speech Monday, Ashurbeyli said “We have thus established all branches of government. I can therefore declare with confidence that Asgardia – the first space nation of the united humankind – has been born.”
- The annual membership fee is 100 euros and there is a tax system being worked out on businesses and private income, but it will be low. If you want to sign up to head to space in a decade, look here.
Source: Reuters
Expert Warns Squatting Could Be Worse Than Sitting On Public Toilets
When faced with having to use a public toilet, a lot of women choose to hover over the seat instead of actually sitting down to go. We think we’re avoiding germs and such, but aside from the leg workout we get, is squatting really doing any good? It turns out, not so much.
According to clinical microbiologist Dr. Primrose Freestone, human poop does carry “a wide range of transmissible pathogens,” including salmonella, E. coli, and hepatitis A, just to name a few. So she says there’s always risk for an infection when you come into contact with fecal matter, but she assures us it’s “very unlikely” we’ll catch one of these bugs from sitting on the toilet seat.
Dr. Freestone says “Most intestinal diseases involve hand-to-mouth transfer of bacteria as a result of fecal contamination of hands, food, and surfaces.” Plus, our bodies have a layer of good bacteria and yeast protecting us, as well as our immune system, which she says is “ferociously good” at protecting us from nasty bugs.
So she says there’s no need to squat over the toilet seat and warns that doing so could “actually cause injury or increase the risk of infection.” For one thing, hovering over the seat can mean you don’t empty your bladder fully, which can raise the risk for urinary tract infections.
We’re better off carrying disinfecting wipes and giving the toilet a once over before sitting down. And since not everyone washes their hands after going, try to use your sleeve, elbow, or a paper towel to grab the door handle to leave so your hands don’t get contaminated. And since research has shown our cell phones could be 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat, Dr Freestone says we should be more worried about the cleanliness of our phones than public toilets. Yikes!
Source: New York Post
Opposite Of Pet Peeve: Little Loves
If a Pet Peeve is a little thing that annoys you . . . what are your “little loves”-- the little things that make you happy.
Here are a few “little loves” from the blog
- When people hold the door for me
- When someone in the office compliments my lunch choices
- When baristas leave enough room for cream in my coffee cup
- “The Kardashians” and “Bachelor”
- When you get to the register at a clothing store and realize that what you’re buying is actually on sale
- When you’re eating regular French fries and find a random curly fry
- When you read a random Pinterest recipe and have the urge to make it that second and realize that yes, by some random act of God, you have all the ingredients in your fridge
McDonald’s Is Testing Muffin Tops For Breakfast
McDonald’s wants to win back breakfast customers, so they’re trying out something straight out of an episode of “Seinfeld.” The fast food giant has announced plans to sell just the tops of muffins to lure us in for breakfast.
If that sounds familiar, that’s because muffin tops were a storyline on the ‘90s sitcom “Seinfeld.” In an 1997 episode, Julia Louis Dreyfus’ character Elaine came up with the idea to sell just muffin tops. Now McDonald’s is testing the good kind of muffin tops in markets including Baltimore, along with other products like coffee cake.
McDonald’s chief financial officer Kevin Ozan admits the company has “lost a little focus on that breakfast day part,” after the company started offering breakfast all day back in 2015. So maybe selling less muffin will be good for business.
Source: Eater
Man Doesn’t Give Up on Dream of Finding a Wife Despite Being Rejected 80,000 Times
A Chinese man recently made national news headlines for his years-long struggle to find a suitable wife. He claims to have asked around 80,000 women if they wanted to date him over the last eight years, but got rejected no less than 80,000 times. Ouch!
31-year-old Niu Xiangfeng has been described as a “dating madman” for his aggressive approach to finding a life-partner. He first made the news in 2013, when photos of him walking through the streets of Beijing while holding a sign that advertised his desire to find a wife along with his links to his social media profiles went viral online.
These days, Niu Xiangfeng isn’t walking around with signs anymore, but he’s putting just as much effort, if not more, into finding a wife. He goes on dating websites, befriends women on social media and even walks up to them on the street and asks them if they have a boyfriend. Still, he always gets rejected. Some say it’s because he’s trying to hard and comes off as aggressive or desperate, but Niu has a different explanation.
He claims women these days can be “shameless” when it comes to selecting romantic partners. Most prefer tall and handsome men who can sweet-talk their way into their hearts, but he is “short and ugly” and doesn’t like to tell lies just to impress women. Money is also a big issue, as single women are looking for men with good salaries who own their own home in the city. “They say that as a man, you have to have a house,” and he doesn’t, unfortunately.
Following the recent media coverage, Niu Xiangfeng admits that several thousands of women have asked to connect with him on social media, but he is not getting his hopes up.