Today is National Pasta Day, Wear Something Gaudy Day and tomorrow is National No Beard Day
Forget The Dog Or Cat, Kids Prefer Pet Rats
While people will often debate whether a cat or a dog makes a better house pet, it seems kids these days have other ideas. Believe it or not, a new survey finds children and teens would rather have rats.
That’s right, the survey, conducted by Right Pet, finds that adults and kids who ether currently own, or have owned animals between the ages of 10 and 17, share that pet rats gave them more satisfaction than any other type of pets.
So, what exactly do they love about these domesticated rats? Well, the top reasons include:
- Rats don't cost a lot to keep
- Owning a rat builds self-esteem
- Rats are smart and loving
- Rats are sex (and death) educational
- Rats are clean and won't give people the plague
- Rats freak parents out (which kids love)
There are some downsides to pet rats though. They tend to live only two to three years, plus they can be noisy at night, they like to chew things and they need their cage cleaned several times a week.
Source: Right Pet
41-Year-Old Man Has Had Pizza for Dinner Every Day for the Last 37 Years
Mike Roman, a teacher from New Jersey, recently got his five minutes in the internet spotlight after coming on a podcast to discuss his unusual eating habits. The 41-year-old claims to have eaten pizza at least once a day for the last 37 years.
Roman’s longtime love affair with pizza began at age 3 or 4 (he doesn’t remember exactly), when his mother introduced him to the Italian dish for the first time. He apparently loved it so much that he kept asking for more every day until his parents finally gave in and stopped trying to convince him eat other foods as well. He has been eating pizza at least once a day ever since, all through his childhood, teenage years and into adulthood. Mike has reportedly eaten pizza for all three meals of his life, for many years, but he recently started switching between pizza and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. He still has pizza for dinner every day, though.
“I get it from different places, so it’s a nice variety,” Roman told Tom La Vecchia, host of the New Theory podcast. “It’s not a big deal. I know some people are really into fine dining, or they’re called foodies or whatever, and they like things, but dinner to me is nothing really that special. You gotta eat because you’re hungry”
The New Jersey pizza head even enjoyed a pizza on his wedding day, a year ago, and he managed to keep the tradition going on his honeymoon in Aruba. While his cholesterol did go up over the years, Mike Roman said that it recently gone down and his general health has been fine, as have his bowel movements.
Speaking about his favorite pizzas, Roman told Tom La Vecchia that he prefers plain thin crust Margarita pizza.