National Roof Over Your Head Day was created as a day to be thankful for what you have, starting with the roof over your head. There are many things that we have that we take for granted and do not stop to appreciate how fortunate we are for having them.
Losing Just Two Hours of Sleep Makes You Angrier
Losing just two hours of sleep a night makes people angrier, research reveals. The study is among the first to prove a direct link with lack of shuteye, experts say.
Previous research shows sleep loss increases negative emotions, such as anxiety and sadness, and decreases positive emotions, including happiness and enthusiasm. But researchers at Iowa State University found losing sleep raised anger directly — not just as a result of feeling more negative. Their findings were published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Participants were split into two groups. One kept to their normal sleep routine while the other had theirs cut by two to four hours each night for two nights. The first group had almost seven hours of sleep a night, while the restricted group got about four and a half hours.
The difference was designed to reflect what people regularly experience in everyday life.
Both groups were then asked to rate different products while listening to irritating noise. The researchers said this was meant to create uncomfortable conditions and provoke feelings of anger.
Study leader professor Zlatan Krizan said: “In general, anger was substantially higher for those who were sleep restricted.”
High School Football Players Suspended For Oreo Streak
School officials at a high school in Byron, Oklahoma suspended ten members of their football team after they took part in a naked “Oreo run” on the football field. The streak involved each player running across the field with an Oreo cookie wedged in their behind… but they claim it was completely voluntary, rather than some form of hazing. They were suspended for indecent exposure and had to sit out of a few games.
Dear Dave- Listener Instagram message
Good morning, guys! My name is Marrissa ...I'd like to throw a Dear Dave out there about getting engaged during the holidays, which I think for most people is a dream but for me it’s not what I want. And I’m bringing it up because my boyfriend keeps hinting to me that he’s going to propose in the next week or so and I don’t know if I should say anything.
The reason I don’t want to get engaged during the holidays is because everyone gets engaged during the holidays. I have two girlfriends who both got engaged on Christmas Eve and a few more who got engaged on Christmas Day last year so I just doesn’t seem special to me anymore.
Should I tell him I don’t want to get engaged over the holidays? Or just wait to see what happens. I’m going to say yes no matter what.
The Do’s and Don'ts of Proposing During the Holidays
It's engagement season, which means serious couples everywhere have proposals on the brain. But with holiday parties and family get-togethers filling up the calendar, figuring out the best way to propose can be tough to do. If you're planning on popping the question (or know someone who might need a few tips!), here are some dos and don'ts you might want to keep in mind.
DO: figure out what he or she will like.
No matter the season, every proposal should start here. Find out if the love of your life would rather get engaged in private, or if being surrounded by family and friends during this big moment is what they've always dreamed of. Some people might love to hear that long-awaited question at the Thanksgiving table, while others might prefer a quiet, private moment at home in front of the fireplace.
DON'T: get too cheesy.
With all the joy and cheer around, it's hard to not get caught up in the season. After all, you are planning to add to the sparkle with a ring! Treat the holidays as inspiration, not a theme. A proposal with a champagne toast at midnight on New Year's Eve? Great idea! A rented Santa suit? Not so much.
DO: have a private moment.
No matter what kind of proposal you've planned, make sure you take a little time to soak it all in. Whether it's simply stepping away from the festivities after you propose at the family Hanukkah dinner or getting a drink à deux before your annual Friendsgiving feast, don't forget to revel in the moment!
DON'T: forget to ask for help.
You should keep those "in the know" to a minimum so your secret doesn't get out, but having a few co-conspirators will help keep everything running smoothly. A sister might know just what kind of proposal your significant other would love, Mom would be the perfect person to hide a ring box beneath the Christmas tree, and it wouldn't be hard for a friend to make sure they're in the right place at the right time.
DO: think about the rest of the day.
The day doesn't end once you've popped the question! Think about how the two of you will want to celebrate once he or she has said "yes." Will you want to spend the afternoon enjoying the rush? Propose on a quiet day when you've got the evening to yourselves. On the other hand, if you know you'll both be eager to spread the news, consider a day when you've got a party to head to later on. After all, a bonus of proposing during the holidays is that almost everyone has a bottle of champagne in the fridge!
DON'T: panic!
A hiccup in your plan is no reason to scrap it entirely, but the holiday season (and along with it, winter weather!) is full of the unexpected. Planning to propose in the park where you had your first kiss, but the forecast calls for snow? A light flurry will make it even more romantic — but if a blizzard's coming through, you might want a backup plan that's indoors. Waiting for the right moment during a holiday meal when too much wine makes tensions rise? This might be your signal to propose in private, instead. Just stay calm and go with the flow. The holidays are all about celebrating, so add your own dose of love and joy to the mix!
How To Make Your Christmas Tree The Best On The Block
If you’d love to have an impressive, Rockefeller Center-level masterpiece in your Christmas tree, you don’t have to get help from Martha Stewart. Just follow these tips for making your tree look bigger, fuller, and glitzier than ever and you’ll be the envy of all your neighbors.
- Keep your tree nourished - If you go with a real tree, remember it’s a living creature and needs a lot of water to look its best. Keep the tree stand basin full of water and with proper care, the evergreen should last four to six weeks.
- Find the perfect location for the tree - Your neighbors can’t envy what they can’t see, so find a spot with a street-facing window so everyone outside can enjoy your tree, too.
- Layer your lights - to create a sense of depth in your tree, add dimension by layering lights. Wrap some white lights tightly around the interior of it, so it gives some illumination, but not so much it distracts from the tree itself. Then wrap some colored lights on the outside and your tree will look like it’s glowing from the inside out.
- Create depth - Hang ornaments at various distances from the center, with the best-looking ones on the outside, of course.
- Master the twinkle effect - Use a string of blinking lights at the base of the tree to create a “twinkle effect.” The lights shine upward through the branches to make it glow, but blinking lights come in different speeds, so go for the ones that duplicate the glittering effect of a snowfall, not something you’d see at a rave.
- Hang your best ornaments first - Pick out your favorites and get those on the tree first, then hang the rest of the ornaments to balance them out
- Cluster spheres - Use wire to create a cluster with three round ornaments to create focal points and spruce things up.
- Coordinate your wrapping paper - If you really want the picture perfect look with all the wrapped presents under the tree, make sure to choose wrapping paper that matches with your decorations and doesn’t clash.
- Stand back - You can’t really see if your tree is evenly decorated when you’re standing right in front of it, so take a step back to see the big picture. Walk around it to see it from different angles and make sure all sides look good.
Source: Best Life
How To Be On The Same Page About Gifts With Bae
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been dating for years or just a few months – exchanging gifts with bae is stressful. Do you get them something small? Something big? What if they want to skip gifts this year altogether? Talking about gift giving with your partner can be pretty awkward. So how do you navigate it?
The first thing you want to do is figure out your partner’s gift giving habits (maybe by talking about it?). Are they the type of person to go above and beyond or will they probably get you something small and thoughtful? It’s best to match your partner’s vibe when it comes to giving. You don’t want to give too much or too little.
And then there’s the dreaded conversation about your individual incomes. Maybe you can afford a nicer gift this year than your partner can. Try to have a conversation about it without giving the gift ideas away entirely. You’re going to want to straighten that out so your partner doesn’t feel bad when your Rolex is met with a new iPhone case.
Source: Insider
Clerk Refuses Couple Marriage License After Thinking New Mexico Is Foreign Country
A couple recently had some trouble trying to apply for a marriage license when the clerk mistakenly thought they were foreign. According to Gavin Clarkson, he and his then-fiancée Marina were almost denied a marriage license in Washington, DC when the clerk thought New Mexico was a foreign country, asking them for their “foreign passport.”
Clarkson says after he handed the clerk his New Mexico driver’s license as proof of his identity, she apparently denied it and told him “we cannot accept international driver’s licenses.” Even stranger, the clerk had complimented Clarkson’s English fluency rather than his wife’s, who immigrated from Argentina and has a “slight accent.”
After checking with her supervisor two times, the clerk was finally able to confirm that New Mexico is indeed one of the United States. It turns out this is a common problem for residents of the state. In fact, New Mexico Magazine has a regular column, “One of Our 50 is Missing,” dedicated to documenting these types of mishaps.
In the end, Gavin and Marina were issued a marriage license after the brief misunderstanding and tied the knot.
Source: Las Cruces Sun News