Today is National Sticky Bun Day, Today is Card Reading Day
Seattle Teen Makes $35K Plowing Snow
This has been thesnowiest Februaryin 70 years for Seattle, with up to 10-inches accumulating in some areas. And for one enterprising young man with a snowplow, business is booming.
David Holstonis a landscaper and plows snow in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, but he’s been in Seattle visiting his mom, so he saw a need and brought his plow to town. After setting up a Craigslist ad offering his services, he got a job offer for $1,000 and more new customers kept calling. With rates at $500 to $750 an hour, David says he’s made $35,000 in just four days.
The 18-year-old hard worker says he’s donating 20% to his church and he plans to buy some lawn equipment, but the rest he’s saving to buy his first house. He says his faith is responsible for his success and that “The Lord blessed me with the money for the sole purpose of advancing his kingdom.”
Here’s How Many BFFs You’ll Have In A Lifetime
You probably feel like the person who you call your BFF will actually be your best friend forever, but science isn’t so sure. According to new research fromThe Book Of Everyone, besties are fleeting, like regular friendships, and we’ll have more than one during our lives.
The study finds that most women will have six best friends over her lifetime and that these best friendships last for about 16 years, which is a really long time, but it’s not forever. So why do they have an expiration date? It seems our closest gal pals tend to fit into the circumstances of our lives, so when we move across the country, change jobs, graduate, or have kids, the friendships may become less significant or fade away.
As we get older and life gets more complicated, it gets harder to maintain meaningful friendships. We have more going on, so we have less time to put into our besties. But the study finds that 47% of women wish they could spend more time with their BFFs, so we really should make the time.
Source:Women's Health
Ben & Jerry's Made A Lock For Your Pint
Pints of ice cream are totally big enough that wecouldshare, but are we going to? Absolutely not. But when you’re living in a house with your partner or roommates, it can be hard to keep their dirty paws off your Phish Food…no matter how many notes you leave around the kitchen. That’s why Ben & Jerry’s has just rolled out a pint lock.
It’s a device that keeps your pint on house arrest until you put in the code to unlock it yourself. It’s a little black ring that fits snugly over the lid of your pint keeping freezer thieves from getting their hands on your ice cream. Is it passive aggressive? Yes. Is it necessary? Absolutely. You can buy one for just ten bucks at theBen & Jerry’s online merch store. Your precious ice cream will be safe forever after just three to five business days.
We’re already struggling to not lose our cool when our roomies leave dishes in the sink and don’t replace an empty toilet roll. Let’s keep the quarrels to a minimum and lock up our ice cream before we really have a reason to flip out.
Source:Ben & Jerry’s
Do You Hate The Sound of Loud Chewing?
Can’t stand loud breathing? Does the sound of someone smacking gum next to you make your blood boil? Turns out, you’re not alone—and there’s a genuinely scientific reason why. If you cringe when someone cracks his or her knuckles, you might want to get checked out for misophonia. Never heard of it? It’s a brain abnormality that creates “a hatred of sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing, or even pen-clicking,” TIME reports. (Plus, it’s just one of the weird habits that proves you’re smarter than everyone else.)
- How much is loud chewing a turn off to you? Is it a dating deal breaker?
People Confess To The Weird Things They Ate As A Child
Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that kids can be very picky when it comes to what they like and don’t like to eat. And some kids can have some very weird tastes in food that may gross out the average person.
Well, now a bunch of folks are sharing those weird things they ate as a kid thanks to NPR host Sam Sanders who posed the exact question on Twitter. Sam shared his first, noting, “When I was like 8 years old, I used to carry a little bottle of apple cider vinegar around wherever I went, taking a swig every now and then like a lush w/his flask.” Soon, plenty of folks started chiming in and the responses may just make you cringe.
Weird things folks ate as kids include:
Replying to @samsanders
As a child, my brother would eat sticks of butter out of the fridge, under cover of night. We were strange.
Replying to @samsanders
At snack time I would chew cheez-its into a pulp, store them in my cheek like a chipmunk and then go spit the mash in the toilet to see what cheezits “looked like” when they were in my stomach.
Replying to @samsanders
Because the first bite of any apple is the best (which I firmly believe to this day), as a kid I once took a single bite out of every apple in a bag and then hid the bag in the basement.
Replying to @samsanders
I used to eat spaghetti one noodle at a time, dipping it into sauce that had to be in a separate bowl. I can’t believe my parents let me do that - and for so long
Replying to @samsanders
I would make myself gourmet meals, cooked all by myself, of hot dogs sliced up and fried in Chinese takeout mustard and then coated in dried mashed potato flakes.
Replying to @samsanders
soft butter molded into balls, then rolled it in sugar.
Replying to @samsanders
When I went to my Granny’s house, I’d put Skittles in a cup of ice water and drink it. I’d also dunk Pringles in water.
Replying to @samsanders
After school snack: Canned green beans with a fork straight out the can, cold, then drink the green bean water.
Replying to @samsanders
My mom used to get an extra milkbone dog biscuit at the bank drive thru, 2 for the dogs, one for me
Replying to @samsanders
my sister and I ate “pool chips” - tortilla chips we dipped in the swimming pool outside of our apartment and ate, religiously, for like a year.
Replying to @samsanders
I am allergic to milk so I poured 7-Up on my cereal as a child. This is way before other milk alternative were available. Interesting twist to Captain Crunch.
Replying to @samsanders
Bananas (cut lengthwise) and mayo sandwiches. I thought that was a normal thing when I was like....6. I’d ask other neighborhood moms for it instead of pb&j.
Replying to @samsanders
I would dip uncooked spaghetti into peanut butter and when they would inevitably break apart, I would try to dig most of them out. There wasn’t a high degree of success with that, so more often than not I’d just leave the littler pieces in the jar.
Replying to @samsanders
I used to eat paper. Loose leaf, post-it’s, you name it. Would sometimes write on the paper before consuming b/c the ink gave it flavor