Average Millennial Net Worth is $8K
If you’re a millennial, you should be concerned about your net worth. According to a new Deloitte study, you’re only worth a whopping $8-thousand. If your mouth is on the floor, that’s probably where it should be since this was 34% higher in 1996.
We typically get blamed for a lot of things nowadays, but THIS RIGHT HERE is not our fault. The economic pressures of those many increased costs get the blame for this!
Education costs have increased by 65% over the past decade, and student loan debt is up by 160% between 2004 and 2017.Crazy, right?
Deloitte’s chief retail innovation officer and the study’s lead author,Kasey M. Lobaugh, notes: “The narrative out there is that millennials are ruining everything, from breakfast cereal to weddings, but what matters to consumers today isn’t much different than it was 50 years ago.”
So there.
Source:The Washington Post
By The End Of School Year Parents Will Have Said “Hurry Up” Nearly 540 Times
Do you feel like you’re constantly telling your kids to “hurry up?” That’s probably because you are. According to asurveyfrom Nutri-Grain, by the end of the school year, parents have said “hurry up” close to 540 times!
In all, more than 2,000 moms and dads about their school year routines and habits and found that one of the biggest challenges parents face in the morning is getting their kids out the door on time. But that’s not all. Moms and dads also admit they need to remind their kidsat least twice in the morningto get dressed, brush their teeth, or put on their shoes.
To make up for lost time spent getting kids ready, the survey finds many parents do their personal grooming on their way to work.
- About 43% of women say they put on makeup during the morning commute and 52% of men shave!
- And if you’ve ever bribed your kid to keep them on track, you’re in good company. More than half of parents reported resorting to bribery, offering time with electronics (39%), a new toy or game (38%), or extra TV time (33%) as a reward.
Don’t Drive And Listen To Heavy Metal At The Same Time, According To Study!
Metal merchants beware! Research by Auto Express magazine and road safety charity IAM RoadSmart has found that heavy-metal music could cause motorists to lose their cool behind the wheel and become almost as extreme as their guitar god heroes. And the calming tones of classical music might not be much better, encouraging too much relaxation and slowing drivers’ progress. But pop music could be just the ticket, creating the perfect atmosphere for smooth and controlled driving. In a study to discover the effects of different types of music on driving style and safety, Auto Express and IAM RoadSmart used the high-tech racing rig at simulator experts Base Performance Simulators near Banbury, where drivers from the world’s top racing series go to hone their skills. The findings from the research are published in Auto Express magazine.
- What music makes you feel calm when you drive?
Majority Of Engaged Couples Register for this Kitchenware Item, Study Reveals
Creating a registry may be one of the most fun parts of planning a wedding – and these are the most popular gifts newlyweds desire. American couples share that same personal style – at least according to The Knot Wedding Registry Study. The study, billed as the largest and most comprehensive wedding registry study in 2019, reveals that the most requested item on couples’ gift registries is the KitchenAid Artisan Series 5 Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer. Unsurprisingly, the other items that made the top five most-requested on The Knot Registry were all kitchen-related: stainless steel measuring cups, a set of Pyrex containers, a toaster and Ninja blender. According to the survey, wedding registries averaged about 111 different items worth around $4,700. Among the most popular items were bake ware, for which 87 percent of couples registered. Within the kitchenware category, cookware, kitchen appliances and kitchen accessories also were all must-haves on the wedding registry.
Bumble Is Hiring Someone To Go On Dates Around The World
Hey singles, tired of being stuck in dating purgatory? If you’re caught between feeling the need to download dating apps to “put yourself out there” and knowing it’s just not worth it to match with a jerk who mansplains how to pronounce “quinoa,” we’ve got some good news. Now you can actually get paid to go on dates - even the bad ones - while traveling the world!
Bumble – the app where women make the first move – is hiring a Global Connector Bee “to find love all around the world.” It’s an all-expenses paid opportunity for one lucky person who will spend up to a year globetrotting in countries like Australia, Canada, and the UK,while meeting people and using the app. Of course this gig requires the Global Connector Bee to share those experiences in blog and vlog posts, social media, and such, but it’s still a year of getting paid to travel and go on dates.
New and existing Bumble users over 18 can apply until June 14ththrough the app. So if some international travel and dating sounds like your thing, time to get swiping.
Why ‘Glass Half-Full’ People Live More Fulfilling Lives
Everyone knows seeing a glass as half-full is associated with having an optimistic worldview, but does it hold up to the test? A new study of 2,000 Americans found that people who view a glass as half-full not only think more optimistically, but it may line up with even more personality traits including decisiveness, playfulness, and creativity. When viewing an image of a glass containing an equal amount of liquid and empty space, 58 percent of Americans felt that the glass was half-full, while 16 percent felt that it was half-empty (the remaining respondents were indecisive). Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Borden Dairy for their optimism-inspired campaign, the new survey found that glass half-full thinkers, while being more optimistic, also tended to be more patient, more creative, more competitive, more adaptable and more playful than glass half-empty thinkers.