Seeking a sugar daddy? Dating site says go to Chicago
Tired of working for a living? Looking for someone to take care of you instead, in style? Pack your bags for the Windy City.
A dating website with over 20 million members says Chicago's the place to be if you're looking for a sugar daddy."
Seeking Arrangement, which says it operates in over 139 countries, is the self-proclaimed "leading Sugar Daddy dating site." According to recent data from the website, Chicago leads the nation in resident sugar daddies -- that is, a man willing to pay for the companionship of a partner.
Never fear -- the website also uses the term 'sugar mama' for the female equivalent, and 'sugar babies' as those who prefers a financially or socially successful partner.
"It allows people to immediately define what they need and want in a relationship," Seeking Arrangement explains on its website. "Our profiles allow members to effortlessly state their expectations."
So, why the Windy City? speculatesit could be because Chicago's home to 33 of the country's biggest companies, including Walgreens, McDonald's and Boeing. The study specifically notes that neighborhoods in Chicago's North Side are populated with the most sugar daddies.
New York, Los Angeles, Houston and Phoenix are other heavily-populated sugar daddy cities.
There's A Facebook Event That Calls For The Storming Of Area 51
I'm not one hundred percent sure the people who organized this Facebook event have really weighed the pros and cons of it. Storming Area 51 is a pretty bold move.
The best-case scenario in this plan is you get pepper-sprayed. The middle case is you get shot and go to prison. The worst case is you get vaporized by an alien.
That's not stopping over 200,000 from signing up though as someone created a Facebook event called "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us."
The plan is that people show up and basically rush Area 51 in Nevada to find out the truth about UFOs. Or, as the invitation says, quote, "Let's see them, aliens."
If you have no plans on Friday, September 20th at 3:00 A.M. and would be interested in attending, you can join the more than 200,000 other people who have already signed up.
Good Luck.
Bride Blasted For Throwing $165,000 Wedding Her Parents Paid For
We all know that people spend a lot of money for weddings, but one bride is being blasted by the Internet after admitting she spent $165,000 on her wedding, and had her parents pay for all of it.
In a post onRefinery29, the bride explained that she lost her job not long after she got engaged, adding, “I didn't have an income for about half of the time I was wedding planning." She said that the groom’s parents paid for the rehearsal dinner, the groom paid for things like his tuxedo, grooms gifts, etc. and she “paid for a few little 'extras,' like my bridesmaids' gifts,” but other than that her parents picked up the very huge tab for everything else.
The bride did say she was appreciative of her “generous” parents, and them paying allowed her to enjoy all the planning and “not worry about the cost,” but folks on the Internet were livid that she spent so much on wedding she wasn’t paying for, especially, since the bride admitted her hubby is drowning in “six-figure student debt."
- “That's a house," one person noted in the comments section of the article, while others added it was, "sinful,” and a “waste” of money. As another person noted, "I can't imagine planning a really really extravagantly expensive party while unemployed," adding, "And while my partner has 6-figure student debt. That's insane."
An Instagram Model Is Selling Her Bath Water For $30
A social media cosplay star and gamer is causing an uproar online after she decided to bottle and sell her very own bathwater.
MeetBelle Delphine, who is known for her racy, anime-inspired Instagram posts. Her fans are pretty fanatical and have often commented about how they would love to get closer to her. They even suggested they would drink her bathwater if given the chance. Well, last week she decided to give them what they wanted. She began scooping up cups of water from a tub she was sitting in and announced that the water would be for sale on her newly launched online store.
The bathwater was on sale for $30 but it appears you may just have to wait for her to take a bath again. It actually had demand behind it and after a few days, it was listed as sold out on her merch site.
She took to Instagram to say” So my bath water SOLD OUT wtf.... i will be making some more soon but its been honestly a weird couple of days taking SO many baths LMAO i didnt [sic] expect this many people to be so interested, but if you wanted one...they will be back soon!”
Can't wait.
Source: Belle.Delphine
Chinese City Introduces Hotel Sheets That Tell You When They Were Last Washed
A city is China is giving tired travelers some peace of mind, launching a high-tech system that reveals when bed linen was last washed.
A laundry service in Wuhan, central China, will implant microchips into bed sheets, towels and quilts, which can be read by guests' cell phones to reveal the date of their last clean.
Chips will be placed in the corner of the products by Wuhan Kunteng Laundry, which will provide cleaning services for many of the city's hotels and hostels, Chinese state-run media outlet Xinhua reported.
Each chip contains a QR code that can be scanned by a cell phone, according to the outlet, which attended the unveiling of the company's new site.