Baby Talk Is Good For Your Pet
Admit it: we tend to treat our pets as if they can understand word-for-word. We coddle and cuddle them, just like REAL babies, and we talk to them too. It’s not actually as crazy as it seems. Science says that all that baby talk isactuallyGOOD for our pets!
PsychologistDr. Joseph CIlonasays that the use of "exaggerating pronunciation of vowels and consonants” helps you bond with your pet! It’s natural to signal a desire to connect with them! That slow, weird speech actually shows them positive emotions!
So feel free to embrace the baby talk! It won’t hurt to coo at your puppy. In fact, it lets them know that you love them, and makes them feel safe!Awwwww!
Source:Elite Daily
Having a dog could help you live longer:. Other than them being lovable and cute, here's another reason to get a dog. A new study suggests having a dog could actually help you live longer. According to the study carried out by professors at Uppsala University, heart attack victims who lived alone were 33% less likely to die after getting out of the hospital if they had a dog. And the risk of death was 27% lower for stroke victims who were also dog owners. And a separate study also found that dog owners were 65% less likely to die following a heart attack. As for why, researchers believe it could be because of the increase in physical activity due to taking dogs on walks, plus dog ownership is likely to decrease loneliness and depression. Source:The Independent
For Halloween, car sharing service rents out vehicles fromBack to the Future,GhostbustersandScooby-Doo
Need the ultimate Halloween costume boost? Who ya gonna call?
It's ride sharing service Turo, which is letting fansrent theiconic vehicles fromGhostbusters,Back to the Future, and even the Mystery Machine fromScooby-Doofor the occasion.
What better way to boost your store-bought costume than rolling up in Doc Brown's tricked-out time-traveling Delorean? How about pairing your homemade Ghostbusters gear with the ultimate upgrade: their emergency vehicle, the Ecto-1? And imagine the looks on the faces at the folks at Taco Bell at three in the morning when you roll up with Shaggy and Scoob's funky van?
Please note that the DeLorean doesn't actually go back in time, so you won't have to worry about your mom trying to make out with you, or running afoul of your dad's life-long bully. That vehicle rents for $223 a day.
Also note that Shaggy's weed use inScooby-Doowas only massively implied, so be careful there as well. The Mystery Machine will run you $89 a day.
As far as busting ghosts, should you find any and also happen to have an unlicensed nuclear accelerator lying around, have at those slimers. The vehicle comes with working lights and sirens, and a PA system that playsGhostbustersmusic. All that can be yours for $250 a day.
Your Home Can Now Smell Like A Buddy The Elf Breakfast-Thanks to a candle, you can bring the magic of Buddy the Elf’s breakfast to life.
A genius, with a store on Etsy, has created theBuddy the Elf candlethat "smells like swirly twirly gum drops, the world's best cup of coffee, Francisco, syrup, a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough." Yes they did!
It burns for 50 hours, so you can enjoy the scent while watching “Elf” or even enjoy a spaghetti candy breakfast. So far the candle has five star reviews.
Source:Pop Sugar
Lego Wants to Recycle Your Old Plastic Bricks for Free
Lego is looking to keep its plastic bricks out of the trash. The Danish toymaker is testing a way for customers to ship their unwanted bricks back and get them into the hands of other kids. It said yesterday that customers in the U.S. can print out a mailing label on its site, dump their used Lego bricks in a box and ship them off for free. Lego said the pieces will be cleaned, put in a box and given to Teach for America, a nonprofit that will donate them to classrooms across the United States. Some bricks will be also sent to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston for their after-school programs. Lego said if the test is successful, it may expand the program beyond the U.S. next year. The company typically tells its customers to keep their bricks or pass them on to others. But some have asked for another way to donate them, said Tim Brooks, Lego’s vice president of environmental responsibility.